A day in the life of Wildwind’s kids club
Daniel, aged 9
‘After a yummy breakfast, we arrived at the hut to meet up with our instructors for the day. We had Sarah as the leader who was very nice to us! We started off the day with a few fun games to help us get to know the Kids Club Team and our new friends in the group. They were lots of fun and it was a good opportunity to learn more about the activities lined up for the week.
After the group games, we went out together with our group on the Hobie Cats. The instructors were steering the boats while we tried trapezing for the first time. It wasn’t very windy and trapezing was lots of fun! Sarah let those who were feeling brave enough have a go at steering the boat whilst trapezing which was scary and exciting!
After an enjoyable morning sailing, we came back to shore. We then played a balancing game called ‘Wobble Board’ near the shore; I came second overall! It was a fantastic chance to cool down in the water after a busy morning.
My parents came to collect us, and we had a nice lunch and a swim in the pool at our hotel before meeting back up with the Kids Club for the afternoon session. By this time the wind had picked up quite a lot so Sarah and decided to get us making our own model boats out of things we found around the resort. We had a little time planning and deciding what to use before making our catamaran. How would we attach it together? How would we power it? Should we make a catamaran or a dinghy? Once we had all finished we got a chance to race out boats across the pool.
The next day for a few extra euros we were able to the amazing waterpark at the end of Vassiliki Bay.
I really enjoyed my time in the Wildwind Kids Club and I am looking forward to going again next year!
A day in the life of Beginners Group
Clara, aged 11.
‘In the morning we met with our instructors and we all sat round the board and discussed sailing theory. The instructors asked each one of us what sailing we had done so far and what stage we would like to achieve during the week. This helped them to sort us into the best groups with people of a similar ability.
We then went down to the beach and rigged our dinghies and got ready to go on the water. On my first day I was paired with an instructor and another person in my group. We took turns steering a RS Feva. It was my first time sailing a boat that big!
Since my holiday in Vassiliki, I have now joined a sailing club where I am a member of the junior group and I go out sailing every week. When I am older, it is my ambition to become a sailing instructor at Wildwind. I would love to inspire young children to love sailing as much as I do and as much as the staff at Wildwind inspired me!’
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